ръководство на потребителя HOTPOINT WML 803B EU

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Извадка от инструкцията за употреба Упътване за употреба HOTPOINT WML 803B EU

Подробни инструкции за употреба може да намерите в упътването за употреба.

[. . . ] Instructions for use WASHING MACHINE Contents GB English, 1 GB GR ????????, 13 BG , 25 Installation, 2-3 Unpacking and levelling Connecting the electricity and water supplies The first wash cycle Technical data Care and maintenance, 4 Cutting off the water or electricity supply Cleaning the washing machine Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer Caring for the door and drum of your appliance Cleaning the pump Checking the water inlet hose Precautions and tips, 5 WML 803 General safety Disposal Opening the porthole door manually Description of the washing machine and starting a wash cycle, 6-7 Control panel Indicator lights Starting a wash cycle Wash cycles, 8 Table of wash cycles Personalisation, 9 Setting the temperature Setting the spin speed Functions Detergents and laundry, 10 Detergent dispenser drawer Preparing the laundry Garments requiring special care Load balancing system Troubleshooting, 11 Service, 12 1 Installation GB !This instruction manual should be kept in a safe place for future reference. If the washing machine is sold, transferred or moved, make sure that the instruction manual remains with the machine so that the new owner is able to familiarise himself/herself with its operation and features. Read these instructions carefully: they contain vital information relating to the safe installation and operation of the appliance. Levelling the machine correctly will provide it with stability, help to avoid vibrations and excessive noise and prevent it from shifting while it is operating. [. . . ] This cycle is designed for cotton loads with a normal soil level and is the most efficient in terms of both electricity and water consumption; it should be used for garments which can be washed at 40C . The actual washing temperature may differ from the indicated value. For all Test Institutes: 2) Long wash cycle for cottons: set wash cycle with a temperature of 40C. 4) Long wash cycle for synthetics: set wash cycle 5 with a temperature of 40C. Anti Stain: the programme 1 is suitable to heavily-soiled garments with resistant colours. It ensures a washing class that is higher than the standard class (A class). When running the programme, do not mix garments of different colours. We recommend the use of powder detergent. Pre-treatment with special additives is recommended if there are obstinate stains. Whites: use this cycle 2 to wash white clothes. The programme is designed to maintain the brightness of white clothes over time. Anti allergy: use programme 6 to remove major allergens such as pollen, mites, cat?s and dog?s hair. Baby: use the special wash cycle 7 to remove the remove the soiling typically caused by babies, while removing all traces of detergent from nappies in order to prevent the delicate skin of babies from suffering allergic reactions. The cycle has been designed to reduce the amount of bacteria by using a greater quantity of water and optimising the effect of special disinfecting additives added to the detergent. Eco cycles The Eco Cycles assure energy saving by eliminating the need of heating water and it?s an advantage both to your energy bill and the environment!These innovative Eco programmes (12 Eco Cottons, 13 Eco Synthetics and 14 Eco Fast 30?) are available for various fabrics and different quantity of garment; they have been designed to guarantee a high cleaning action even at low temperature and can be used for lightly to medium soiled loads. Eco Cycles give the best results thanks to an intensified wash action, water optimization and are carried out in the same average time of a standard cycle. For the best washing results with Eco Cycles we recommend the usage of a liquid detergent. Cotton Standard 20: the programme 11 ideal for heavily soiled cotton loads. The effective performance levels achieved at cold temperatures, which are comparable to washing at 40, are guaranteed by a mechanical action which operates at varying speed, with repeated and frequent peaks. 8 Personalisation Setting the temperature Turn the TEMPERATURE knob to set the wash temperature (see Table of wash cycles). The temperature may be lowered, or even set to a cold wash ( ). The washing machine will automatically prevent you from selecting a temperature which is higher than the maximum value set for each wash cycle. Exception: if the programme is selected, the temperature can be increased up to a value of 90C. GB Setting the spin speed Turn the SPIN SPEED knob to set the spin speed for the selected wash cycle. [. . . ] , , ( ); , 26 , , 65 - 100 cm , 65 100 , , (. , : ? ; ? , ( ); ? ( ); ? . ??????). WML 803 59, 5 85 60, 5 1 8 . , 1 (10 bar) 0, 05 (0, 5 bar) 62 ???????? : - 2004/108/ ( ) - 2012/19/EU - 2006/95/CE ( ) 27 ????????? [. . . ]


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