ръководство на потребителя PHILIPS HP4992

Lastmanuals предлага обществена услуга на споделяне, съхранение и търсене на ръководства за употреба на апаратура и софтуер: упътвания за употреба, ръководства на потребителя, указания за бърз старт, каталози с техническа информация.... НЕ ЗАБРАВЯЙТЕ : ВИНАГИ ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ УКАЗАНИЯТА ЗА УПОТРЕБА ПРЕДИ ДА КУПИТЕ !!!

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Lastmanuals ще ви помогне да изтеглите указание за употреба PHILIPS HP4992.

Mode d'emploi PHILIPS HP4992

Може да изтеглите следните ръководства, които имат връзка към този продукт:

   PHILIPS HP4992 (1015 ko)
   PHILIPS HP4992 (1015 ko)
   PHILIPS HP4992 (384 ko)
   PHILIPS HP4992 (1015 ko)

Извадка от инструкцията за употреба Упътване за употреба PHILIPS HP4992

Подробни инструкции за употреба може да намерите в упътването за употреба.

[. . . ] o :0-40°C32-95°F o :20-80% : , . "", "" "". · , . (. " ") · , "". , , , . Thismarkingontheproductoronits packagingillustratesthat, underEuropean Directive2002/96/ECgoverningused , electricalandelectronicappliances, this , productmaynotbedisposedofwithnormal -. [. . . ] "" "" , "". "" : 21 , : - += - += - +=() ( ) , , , Philips . , TFT 50%- , , , 30%- . "" "" , "". "" : 22 1 2 3() * 1 2 3 * 12=1 ISO9241-307. 220B2/220BL2 3 1 0 >15 3 220B2/220BL2 5- 2- 0 >15 5- 220B2/220BL2 5- 23 4 / LCD Brightness() SmartContrast () () sRGB USB / Plug&Play TFT-LCD CCFL(220B2), LED(220BL2) 22''(55, 9cm) 16:10 0, 282x0, 282mm 250cd/m² 500. 000:1(220B2);20. 000. 000:1(220BL2) 1000:1 5ms 1680x1050@60Hz 176°()/170°()@C/R>5 SmartImage() 16, 7M 56Hz-76Hz 30kHz-80kHz DVI-D(, HDCP), VGA() USB2. 0x2 SeparateSync(), Syncon Green() a 1, 5Wx2 , , , , , , , VESA(100x100mm), Kensington DDC/CI, sRGB, Windows7/Vista/XP, MacOSX, Linux -5/+20 -65/+65 70mm 24 Power(, /, ) On(, ) On(, )(ECO )() (EnergyStar5, 0, ) 24W(. ), 38W(. )(USBx2) 18W , :100VAC+/- 5VAC, 50Hz+/- 3Hz 22, 68W , :115VAC+/- 5VAC, 60Hz+/- 3Hz 22, 47W , :230VAC+/- 5VAC, 50Hz+/- 3Hz 22, 12W () (. ) * (. ) , , /, (xx) (xx) () MTBF 0, 1W 0, 1W 0, 1W 0, 08W 0, 08W 0, 08W , , , :100VAC+/- :115VAC+/- :230VAC+/- 5VAC, 50Hz+/- 5VAC, 60Hz+/- 5VAC, 50Hz+/- 3Hz 3Hz 3Hz 77, 41BTU 76, 69BTU 75, 49BTU 0, 341BTU 0, 341BTU 0, 341BTU 0, 273BTU 0, 273BTU 0, 273BTU On(, ):White(), Standby()/Sleep ():White()() , 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz 505x484x249mm 505x351x59mm 565x468x175mm 5, 2kg 4, 1kg 7, 0kg -20°C60°C 0°C40°C 20%80% :+12. 000cm(3. 658m) :+40. 00cm(12. 192m) 50, 000(220B2), 30, 000(220BL2) 25 ROHS EPEAT Gold. (www. epeat. net) 100% CE, EnergyStar5. 0, ClassB, SEMKO, TCO5. 0, TÜV/GS, TÜVErgo, UL/cUL Color() /, / . www. philips. com/support, . 26 4. 1& 220B2/220BL2 1680x105060Hz( ) 1680x105060Hz() 220B2/220BL2 1680x105060Hz() . (kHz) () (Hz) 31, 469 640x350 70, 086 31, 469 720x400 70, 086 31, 469 640x480 59, 940 35, 000 640x480 67, 000 37, 500 640x480 75, 000 35, 156 800x600 56, 250 37, 879 800x600 60, 317 46, 875 800x600 75, 000 48, 363 1024x768 60, 004 60, 023 1024x768 75, 029 63, 981 1280x1024 60, 020 79, 976 1280x1024 75, 025 55, 469 1440x900 59, 901 55, 935 1440x900 59, 887 70, 635 1440x900 74, 984 65, 290 1680x1050 60, 000 82, 306 1680x1050 74, 892 4. 2 VESADPM, , . . - - () . ENERGYSTAR®. :50% :250nit :6500k USB() . 27 5 Lead-free Product Leadfreedisplaypromotes environmentallysoundrecovery anddisposalofwastefrom electricalandelectronic equipment. ToxicsubstanceslikeLead hasbeeneliminatedandcompliance withEuropeancommunity'sstringent RoHsdirectivemandatingrestrictionson hazardoussubstancesinelectricaland electronicequipmenthavebeenadheredto inordertomakePhilipsmonitorssafetouse throughoutitslifecycle. TCO Displays 5. 0 Information Congratulations, Your display is designed for both you and the planet!Thisensuresthatthedisplayisdesigned forminimalimpactontheclimateand naturalenvironment, whileofferingallthe performanceexpectedfromtopoftheline electronicproducts. TCOCertifiedisa thirdpartyverifiedprogram, whereevery productmodelistestedbyanaccredited independenttestlaboratory. TCOCertified representsoneofthetoughestcertifications fordisplaysworldwide. · · Calibratedcolortemperatureandgamma curve Wideluminancelevel, Darkblacklevels, Lowmotionblur Electrical Safety · Productfulfillsrigoroussafetystandards Emissions · Lowalternatingelectricandmagnetic fieldsemissions · Lowacousticnoiseemissions S omeoftheEnvironmentalfeaturesof theTCODisplays5. 0requirements: · Thebrandownerdemonstratescorporate socialresponsibilityandhasacertified environmentalmanagementsystem (EMASorISO14001) · Verylowenergyconsumptionbothinon- andstandbymode · Restrictionsonchlorinatedand brominatedflameretardants, plasticizer andpolymers · Restrictionsonheavymetalssuchas cadmium, mercuryandlead(RoHS compliance) EPEAT (www. epeat. net) "TheEPEAT(ElectronicProduct EnvironmentalAssessmentTool) programevaluatescomputer desktops, laptops, andmonitors basedon51environmentalcriteria developedthroughanextensivestakeholder consensusprocesssupportedbyUSEPA. SomeoftheUsabilityfeaturesoftheTCO EPEATsystemhelpspurchasersinthe publicandprivatesectorsevaluate, compare Displays5. 0requirements: andselectdesktopcomputers, notebooks andmonitorsbasedontheirenvironmental VisualErgonomics Goodvisualergonomicsinordertoimprove attributes. EPEATalsoprovidesaclear theworkingenvironmentfortheuserandto andconsistentsetofperformancecriteria reducesightandstrainproblems. Important forthedesignofproducts, andprovides anopportunityformanufacturerstosecure parametersare: marketrecognitionforeffortstoreducethe · Lightlevelswithoutcolortint, Uniform environmentalimpactofitsproducts. " colorandluminance, Widecolorgamut 28 BenefitsofEPEAT Reduceuseofprimarymaterials Reduceuseoftoxicmaterials Avoidthedisposalofhazardouswaste EPEAT'Srequirementthatallregistered productsmeetENERGYSTAR'senergy efficiencyspecifications, meansthat theseproductswillconsumelessenergy throughouttheirlife. ReparaturennurdurchFachpersonal durchgeführtwerden. nuroriginal-Ersatzteileverwendet werden. beiErsatzderBildröhrenureine bauartgleicheeingebautwird. A u s e r g o n o m i s c h e n G r ü n d e n w i r d empfohlen, die Grundfarben Blau und Rot nicht auf dunklem Untergrund zu verwenden (schlechte Lesbarkeit und erhöhteAugenbelastung bei zu geringem ZeichenkontrastwärendieFolge). DerarbeitsplatzbezogeneSchalldruckpegel nach DIN 45 635 beträgt 70dB (A) oder weniger. ACHTUNG:BEIMAUFSTELLEN DIESESGERÄTESDARAUF ACHTEN, DAßNETZSTECKERUND NETZKABELANSCHLUßLEICHT ZUGÄNGLICHSIND. (), , 33 6 /, //// //// //// //// / /// // / / / //// //// /// PhilipsF1rstChoice Philips. Philips , . , , Philips, F1rstChoicePhilips. PhilipsF1rstChoice , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , / . PhilipsF1rstChoice , : · ; · , , ; · ; · , , , , ; · , ; · , ; · , , , , / . , , , , / PhilipsF1rst, Philips F1rstChoice. Philips. -www. philips. com/ support. [. . . ] · "", "" "". , ""- LCD . · . 48 "" 7. 2SmartControl Premium . . : SmartControlPremium . , SmartControl, , . . SmartControl Menu()Audio Premium, (), Mute( . [. . . ]


Lastmanuals предлага обществена услуга на споделяне, съхранение и търсене на ръководства за употреба на апаратура и софтуер: упътвания за употреба, ръководства на потребителя, указания за бърз старт, каталози с техническа информация....
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