Lastmanuals предлага обществена услуга на споделяне, съхранение и търсене на ръководства за употреба на апаратура и софтуер: упътвания за употреба, ръководства на потребителя, указания за бърз старт, каталози с техническа информация.... НЕ ЗАБРАВЯЙТЕ : ВИНАГИ ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ УКАЗАНИЯТА ЗА УПОТРЕБА ПРЕДИ ДА КУПИТЕ !!!

В случай че, този документ отговаря на упътването за употреба, ръковдството с инструкции или ръководството за употреба, характеристиките, схемите, които Ви интересуват, го изтеглете. Lastmanuals ви осигурява бърз и лесен достъп до ръководство за употреба SHARP SJ-F72PC/F73PE/F74PS/F77PC/F78PE/F79PS. Надяваме се, че указанието за употреба SHARP SJ-F72PC/F73PE/F74PS/F77PC/F78PE/F79PS ще ви е от полза.

Lastmanuals ще ви помогне да изтеглите указание за употреба SHARP SJ-F72PC/F73PE/F74PS/F77PC/F78PE/F79PS.

Mode d'emploi SHARP SJ-F72PC/F73PE/F74PS/F77PC/F78PE/F79PS

Може да изтеглите следните ръководства, които имат връзка към този продукт:

   SHARP SJ-F72PC/F73PE/F74PS/F77PC/F78PE/F79PS (24315 ko)


Подробни инструкции за употреба може да намерите в упътването за употреба.

[. . . ] Hnvisa till sidorna i till viii och V-1 till V-24. Leggere le pagine i a viii e I-1 a I-24. Raadpleeg de bladzijden i t/m viii en N-1 t/m N-24. Favor consultar as pginas i a viii e P-1 a P-24. [. . . ] Note: Unplug the AC power lead from the wall socket if the unit will not be in use for a prolonged period of time. ??Bluetooth stand-by (Demonstration) mode ??The ?rst time the unit is plugged in, the unit will enter the Bluetooth stand-by (demonstration) mode. To cancel the Bluetooth stand-by (demonstration) mode, press the BT STAND-BY button (remote control) during power stand-by mode. The unit will enter the low power consumption mode. To return to the Bluetooth stand-by (demonstration) mode, press the BT STAND-BY button again. If iPod or iPhone is docked, the unit will begin charging. Demonstration mode is invalid during charge mode. Wall Screws (not supplied) Note: Placing the aerial on the unit or near the AC power lead may cause noise pickup. Place the aerial away from the unit for better reception. E-5 Remote control ??Battery installation 1 Open the battery cover. 2 Insert the supplied battery according to the terminal indicated in the battery compartment. Direct key power on function When you press any of the following buttons, the unit turns on. iPod, CD/USB, AUDIO IN, TUNER, BLUETOOTH / , iPod / , CD / , USB / on the remote control: Selected function is activated. / button on the main unit: The unit turns on and playback of the last function will start (CD, TUNER, USB, iPod, AUDIO IN, Bluetooth) BLUETOOTH PAIRING ??Auto power on During BT Standby mode, when music is played from your device, the unit will automatically power on when: ??The Bluetooth connection has been set up between the main unit and your device and they remain connected. E-6 General control (continued) ??Auto power off function The main unit will enter the stand-by mode (when iPad, iPod or iPhone is not connected) after 15 minutes of inactivity during: iPod: Not docked. Audio In: No detection of input signal. Bluetooth In the pause mode on not connected condition. Note: However, if iPod or iPhone is docked, the unit will begin charging. will be displayed. Setting the clock (Remote control only) BLUETOOTH PAIRING In this example, the clock is set for the 24-hour (0:00) display. ??Muting The volume is muted temporarily when pressing the MUTE button on the remote control. [. . . ] or ?This accessory is not supported by iPhone?appears on iPhone screen. Caution: This operation will erase all data stored in memory including clock, timer settings and tuner preset. ??Before transporting the unit Remove the iPod, iPhone, iPad, USB memory device and disc from the unit. Then, set the unit to the power stand-by mode. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals предлага обществена услуга на споделяне, съхранение и търсене на ръководства за употреба на апаратура и софтуер: упътвания за употреба, ръководства на потребителя, указания за бърз старт, каталози с техническа информация....
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Търсете ръководство за употреба


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