ръководство на потребителя VOGELS TVB 120 TVB 150

Lastmanuals предлага обществена услуга на споделяне, съхранение и търсене на ръководства за употреба на апаратура и софтуер: упътвания за употреба, ръководства на потребителя, указания за бърз старт, каталози с техническа информация.... НЕ ЗАБРАВЯЙТЕ : ВИНАГИ ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ УКАЗАНИЯТА ЗА УПОТРЕБА ПРЕДИ ДА КУПИТЕ !!!

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Mode d'emploi VOGELS TVB 120
Извадка от инструкцията за употреба Упътване за употреба VOGELS TVB 120TVB 150

Подробни инструкции за употреба може да намерите в упътването за употреба.

[. . . ] Therefore, it is dangerous to make any kind of contact with any inside part of this unit. This symbol alerts the user that important literature concerning the operation and maintenance of this unit has been included. Therefore, it should be read carefully to avoid any problems. WARNING: To prevent risk of injury or damage to your DVD video camera/recorder and the AC adapter/charger, use only the CGA-DU14 battery and VSK0631 AC adapter/charger. CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT OPEN. [. . . ] on the screen for verification in step 2 or press the B button. RAM 2 If you are sure that you wish to reset, use the joystick to choose ?YES?, and then press the A button. The setting items have now been reset to defaults. Re s e t Re s e t ?YES ENTER NO RAM 80 QR34653 ENG. book 81 ??? ?????????????????????? 123 Using Disc Navigation Starting Disc Navigation Disc Navigation is a tool for editing scenes recorded on this DVD video camera/recorder. and ?programme?, so that you will be able to make most use of Disc Navigation function. The screens in this instruction manual are basically those that will appear when DVD-RAM disc is used: Some items will not appear when DVD-R disc or card is used, but the operation is the same. Note: Do not proceed with a following step while the disc is being recognised or the ACCESS/PC indicator is blinking. 1 Press the DISC NAVIGATION button. The Disc Navigation screen (shown on page 82) will appear. lThumbnail: This refers to a reduced image that helps to distinguish recorded scenes quickly. Immediately recording is finished, the first image of the recorded scene will be used as a thumbnail of the scene: The thumbnail can be changed later on this DVD video camera/recorder. lScene: Movie (video): One scene refers to images recorded from one press of the REC button until recording is temporarily stopped by pressing REC again. Still (photo): One scene refers to a photo recorded by pressing the REC button. 81 QR34653 English Disc Navigation ENG. book 82 ??? ?????????????????????? The following screen will appear when DVD-RAM disc is used: Some display components will not appear when DVD-R disc or card is used. English Cursor Current page position*5 Still image icon*3 Operation guide*4 Bar graph Thumbnail *1 Selected scene number*2/ Number of all scenes A l l Pr og r ams 0 01 / 014 PLAY RAM Disc type icon*6 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 The displayed thumbnail will be the first image that you recorded. Scene number refers to display number on thumbnail display screen. The operation guide will vary depending on the operation status of DVD video camera/recorder. Appears when 13 scenes or more have been recorded. 2 Use the joystick to select the desired scene. 3 Press the SELECT button once: The selected scene will be framed in red and yellow. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to randomly select multiple scenes. To cancel a selected scene, select the scene to be cancelled, and then press the SELECT button. To cancel all selected scenes, press the B button. Note: Although scenes can be randomly selected, playback will always start from the lowest scene number. English Selecting Consecutive Scenes Together 1 Press the DISC NAVIGATION button. 2 Use the joystick to select the desired scene. A l l Pr ogr ams Note: ?You can know the status of scenes from the colours of cursor and bargraph: 005 / 014 Cursor Yellow PLAY RAM Bar graph Blue Blue Red Status of scenes Current cursor position Range of scenes being selected Scenes already selected Blue Red Yellow frame 3 Hold down the SELECT button for at least one second: The selected scene will be doubly framed in yellow and blue. ?Pressing the A button after selecting scenes will play A l l Pr ogr ams 005 / 014 PLAY RAM back only the selected scenes from the beginning of each. You can also select scenes in reverse from the last scene in the range. To release multiple selection, press the SELECT or B button after step 4. Up to 999 scenes can be selected for both disc and card. Double frames in yellow and blue 4 Use the joystick to select the last scene in the range you want, and then press the A button: A l l Pr ogr ams 005 / 014 RAM PLAY The thumbnails of scenes in the specified range will Red be framed in red, and frame then selected. When scenes up to this point are selected 84 QR34653 ENG. book 85 ??? ?????????????????????? Functions Available with Disc Navigation Disc Navigation allows you to do the following: Available function Deletion of scenes Editing of scenes Scene information display Setting of title Creation of play list Disc or Card initialisation Disc or card used Contents You can delete unnecessary scenes. [. . . ] Is the infrared receiver on DVD video camera/recorder exposed to direct sunlight or strong fluorescent light, etc. ?The remote control cannot operate the DVD video camera/recorder when strong light strikes the infrared receiver. Adjust the place or angle of the DVD video camera/recorder. The battery could be dead: Try replacing it. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals предлага обществена услуга на споделяне, съхранение и търсене на ръководства за употреба на апаратура и софтуер: упътвания за употреба, ръководства на потребителя, указания за бърз старт, каталози с техническа информация....
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